

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are Urchin Studios we pride ourselves on providing a bespoke service, so we are always happy to answer any specific questions you may have. Simply Contact Us and we will be happy to help. With that said, below are some quick answers to some common questions.

You do! The basic principle is whoever organises the session and pays for it, therefore we make no claim to own your recordings.

As mentioned in the previous answer, we are not the owners of the recordings and therefore are not ultimately responsible for their safe keeping once the recording/mix process has been completed. We strongly advise all clients to ensure they have a proper and complete backup of all their recordings, and we are happy to arrange this either via online file transfer or copy to a client’s hard drive.

Whilst we do tend to hold on to recordings for some time after a session, Urchin Studios cannot be held responsible for archiving of any files belonging to the client.

This is one of those ‘how long is a piece of string’ questions! There are many factors to consider, such as:

  • How many instruments are you recording?
  • How many songs are there?
  • How experienced are you in the studio?
  • Do you require just a recording or a mix down as well?

Yes absolutely. All our day hire studios are fully set up with this in mind, and we have put a lot of time and effort into making sure our studios are intuitive and well labelled as possible.

Yes absolutely! Our day hire studios are fully ‘laptop compatible’ and we have a choice of audio interfaces available depending on your specific needs.

Unfortunately due to the somewhat unique way we operate we are unable to offer work placements/internships at this time.

Currently there are no paid positions available here, however we do occasionally require the services of a freelance engineer/assistant so if you feel your skills are suitable.